How you can help the library!
DONATIONS: The Gibbs Library welcomes your donations to help us continue to meet the needs of the local community. We have a general fund that supports the annual budget for the library collection, programs, computers, and supplies. All donations are tax deductible, and donors receive an acknowledgment which can be used for tax purposes.
Some of the ways you can donate to the library include:
Donate online (to Washington Library Association) through PayPal with a credit or debit card or using your own PayPal account (however, a PayPal account is not necessary):
ENDOWMENT FUND: The Endowment Fund, established in 1997, ensures the long-term financial stability of the Gibbs library. The principle remains intact except for emergency situations. Only the interest from the fund can be used for library operations by a vote of the Board. If you would like to contribute to the Endowment Fund, download the Friend of the Gibbs Library Donation Form and mail to Gibbs Library.
- T-shirts & Bags: Come see our offerings!
- Book Sale: In addition to our two large book sale events in February & July, we have an ongoing book sale with many varieties of books. Shelves are located in the Bryant Room, as well as by the library’s indoor entrance and along the hallway shared by the Town Office. Wonderful books galore! Browse the expansive selection for that long forgotten book. Prices start at $1.00!
- Memory Tree Leaves: Buy a Memory Tree Leaf! The Gibbs Memory Tree is a distinctive way of honoring a family member, marking a special event or unique memory. At the same time you are putting an engraved leaf on our library’s tree, you are showing your support for Gibbs Library.

About memory tree leaves:
- The minimum donation for a leaf is $100.00.
- All engraved text will be centered on the leaf, with no more than three lines or more than 11 characters or spaces per line.
- Completed forms with checks made payable to Washington Library Association can be brought into the library or mailed to: Washington Library Association, PO Box 348, Washington, ME 04574.
- Questions? Please contact Delphine Sherin at (207) 701-1304
CLYNK: Your empty 5-cent cans and bottles are worth cash for Gibbs Library! It’s an easy program. Just pick up some green plastic CLYNK bags at the library, fill them with returnables, and take them to any Hannaford store. Each bag is limited to 20 lbs.
Coming in February!
Selling used books is one of the library’s important fund-raising activities.

Buy some books! Support the Library!
Gibbs holds two book sales a year: one in the summer (July) and one in winter (February). These sales to support the library are held in the Bryant Room. Buy some books new to you, books that are old favorites, books to gift to friends & relatives, or even books to color-coordinate on your shelves at home or at the camp! There will likely be an eclectic collection to choose from, so the possibilities are endless! Good books for a good cause–supporting Gibbs Library–what could be better?!
BOOK DONATIONS: Gibbs Library ​​is now accepting book donations in preparation for our ​Winter Book ​Sale​! (Sale will be held on Saturday, February 8th, from 9-1pm.)
- Only “gently used” (or newer) books accepted.
- Books may not be dropped off. Books must be brought to the circulation desk during open library hours.
- Books must be free of mold & mildew (no spots on page edges, spines, or other areas) and free of tears, scribbles, water damage, and odor. No textbooks, magazines, or journals.

We appreciate you following this procedure, and are so very grateful for your gift of donation!
Please remember that books donated specifically for use in the library may or may not be placed on the shelves–the decision about which books go on the shelves is at the discretion of the director.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The library is supported by our many volunteers who serve on the circulation desk, help at our used book sales, coordinate an activity group, bake for our many programs and events, and other fun and engaging activities. If you would like to volunteer, please stop by the library, email us at, or call us at 207-845-2663. Have a volunteer idea? Let us know!